At the beginning of the school year, all caregivers will be sent an email explaining the purpose and mission behind The Happiness Project. They will be asked to complete a short form “opting-in” for their student to receive an “annual mental health screening.” For students whose caregivers have provided consent, a brief mental health appointment will be scheduled within the first few weeks of school, during which the child will be assessed for common mental health conditions + overall safety.



For students who screen positive for a mental health condition and meet criteria for school-based treatment, they will be offered ongoing services including treatment planning, case management support, psychiatric care, and therapy. For students who screen positive but have unique needs that would be better met in an alternate setting, The Happiness Project supports the family in connecting with the appropriate level of care.

Quarterly mental health trainings

for school staff +

ongoing support for caregivers

All staff working for the district will be offered quarterly mental health trainings to expand their knowledge + skillset surrounding child + adolescent mental health.

Examples of trainings include:

Caregivers will be provided with “office hours” during which they can connect with a Happiness Project professional for additional guidance + support.

Mental Health Clinician Training

Once well-established, The Happiness Project will offer opportunities for mental health professionals in training to receive additional mentorship + support in how to provide high-quality school-based mental health treatment. Educating emerging clinicians would help keep the program sustainable + promote more school-based mental health providers within the NYC education system.